General terms and conditions for workshops

Your place will only be reserved after payment of the registration fee.

Cancellation policy

Registered for a workshop but unable to attend?

o You can cancel the workshop up to 2 weeks before the start. An administration fee of 30€ will be deducted, the rest of the registration fee will be refunded.

o If you cancel less than 2 weeks before the start, the registration fee will only be refunded if someone else can take your place. Feel free to inquire whether there are people on the waiting list. Or else you have to look for somebody yourself.

o Once the workshop has started, there will be no refund.

Cancellation by the teacher can take place:

o if a course is not booked with the minimum number of participants

o if a course cannot be offered because of Covid-19 restrictions

Force majeure

In addition to the above, a refund of the registration fee will always be made in the event of force majeure on the part of the participant or teacher (illness, accident, death of a relative by blood or marriage in the 1st or 2nd degree).

The cancellation must be notified immediately, with written proof of the reason for cancellation.

Refund of registration fee

If the conditions for a refund are met, the registration fee will be refunded within 7 days to the same account number from which the deposit was originally made.

Safety and insurance

The safety instructions that will be explained during the workshops must be strictly followed, not only for your own safety but also for that of the other participants (e.g. working with high temperatures and fire, acids, abrasives, drills, enamel powders,...).

Each participant is responsible for his/her own health. All participants must follow the Covid-19 measures imposed by the government. The workshop space is spacious and ventilated through open windows (provide a pull in case of cold weather). Disinfectant and soap is provided, mouth masks you have to provide yourself. If you want to protect yourself against metal particles while sanding and against the (lead-free) enamel powders (in case you follow an enamel workshop), you can wear a FFP2 dust mask (without valve, in the case of Covid-19 restrictions).

The instructor has taken out a civil liability insurance ‘Exploitation’ for her professional risk. The participant is advised to cover his/her own risk by a personal health and civil liability insurance.

By paying the registration fee, the participant agrees to these terms and conditions.